Thursday, October 25, 2018

Breast Cancer, Baldness, Headache, Depression: What Do We Inherit From Our Father, And What From A Mother?

The apple does not fall far from the tree, so we can inherit many physical traits from the parents. In addition to eye color, nose shape, body composition, from the parents, unfortunately, we inherit and various diseases.

The first on the list is high cholesterol, claims American geneticist Shivan Nazareth.
"One in 500 people have a genetic mutation that is the cause of family hypercholesterolemia - inherited heart disease that may be the cause of a premature heart or stroke," Nazareth says, adding that he or she has had difficulty adjusting cholesterol accumulating in the veins.

Breast cancer and baldness

While both parents may be the culprits for high cholesterol, breast cancer is inherited from the father.
Namely, every man was born with BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that do not create health problems until they are mutated. But women who inherit the mutation of one or both BRCA genes by the father have a higher risk of breast cancer, especially if the mother has this mutation. Dr. Nazaret explained that these genes are not dangerous to men's health because breast cancer is a common occurrence among men's populations, while in women that is not the case.
If you blame the male side of the family for hair loss - you are addressing the wrong address. The gene that plays a key role in baldness is on chromosome X, which men are always inherited from mothers, while women carry the same genes from both parents.
For type 2 diabetes is most often to blame sloppy way of life, although research shows that as many as 5 percent of young people have signs of the disease but are not overweight and exercise regularly. And here is the problem of genetic mutation, so it is a form of diabetes that scientists called MODY.
- Early recognition of MODY diabetes mellitus patients is very important because they need a different therapy that can control the disease for years without complications - says Nazareth.

Complications also occur in lactose intolerance

Congenital lactose intolerance is rare disease caused by a mutation in the gene that produces the enzyme lactase. It is manifested by a strong watery diarrhea occurring shortly after the first meal of milk (breastfeeding).

- Congenital lactose intolerance occurs rarely, but 65 percent of adults felt disturbance in digestion after eating dairy products - claims Nazareth. She adds that at most people the sensitivity to lactose decreases with age.

Headaches and mental illness

The tendency of long-term and severe headaches accompanied by nausea hereditary in as many as 70 to 80 percent of cases, said Dr. Kate Henri New York University. Scientists have discovered that a gene called crack causes the occurrence of migraines, and he was often inherited from parents.
If your mother had heart problems, you have 20 percent higher probability of having them, they have discovered four separate study studies. The way in which a mother’s heart attack affects our inclination to it is not fully clarified, but it is obvious, the experts say.
The ability to inherit a depression disorder is about 10 percent, the American Institute for Mental Health has revealed. Experts explain that depression is just one of the mental disorders that can be inherited, with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

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